Business Coaching

It Starts with a Vision

According to FORBES, more and more top entrepreneurs and business owners are using coaches to reach a new levels of success. As leader of your profession, you have not only your own personal goals, but a team counting on your leadership.

Do you have a vision to start a business? Do you have a strategy to take your business to the next level? Have you developed a plan? Whether you are just starting out or an established entrepreneur, we can partner with you identify the next steps. Successful execution begins with a plan. ~Coach Kathy~

Hi I’m Kathy.  I specialize in partnering with entrepreneurs and business owners who are using ready to reach a new levels of success.  If you need a marketing strategy, a systems analysis to checking functionality or a gap analysis to identify what’s missing, you’ve come to the right place, it’s time for a business tune-up.

Does Your Business Need a Tune Up?

Where is your business plan leading you?


When was the last time you reviewed your strategic plan?  Where is your business plan leading you?  Is the trajectory of the business aligned with the strategic plan?  Do you have milestones to measure the strategy against the current environment?  All businesses come to a fork in the road. The path may not always be clear but the plan should be. Now is the time to revisit the plan and identify the gaps by assessing the current business climate. There is always more than one path that will take you to your destination. Let’s partner and evaluate the options.  #environmentalturbulence, #stratgicplan


Creating high performing teams is easier said than done.  High performing teams do not always collaborate cohesively. Teamwork is essential to successful business.  Are you seeking a competent, motivated, team capable of communicating and working well together?  In Your Korner will conduct a SWOT analysis of the team and recommend how to capitalize on strengths and mitigate barriers to collaborative teamwork. You will learn how a creative, competent team can deliver extraordinary results with the right balance of autonomy and responsibility. #teamwork


Recruiting and retaining a high performing team is the cornerstone of any successful business.  Recruiting resolves half the problem but retention requires more.  Turnover is the response to a lack of opportunity! Today’s workforce is seeking growth opportunities.  In Your Korner specializes in conducting a bottoms-up approach to succession planning.  By aligning your top talent with seasoned employees, creates a dynamic learning opportunity.  This approach will increase retention, reduce turnover, and respond to attrition and redefine company success.#successionplanningsuccess


Business 101

Do you have a product or service you know will lead to success?  There are many competitors out there but there is one thing that will set you apart. A plan! All business begins with a vision, but without a plan your vision can quickly become the job. A plan is the roadmap from worker to owner.  Congratulations, now is the time to compile all the components and transform your vision into reality. When was the last time your reviewed the plan?  Have you identified what success looks like for your business?  It is never too late to make it happen! Planning makes the vision a reality. #worktheplan

Marketing & Branding

Growth in every phase of business requires planning, especially marketing and branding. Marketing and branding begins by knowing your ideal client.  If everyone is your client, no one is your client.  Think of a popular brand…what sets them apart from their competitor? Who is their target client…guess what? it’s not everyone.  By selecting the right marketing platforms where your ideal client frequents and offering value. Your brand grows; your clientele grows.  This is fundamentally how marketing dollars should be allocated to build a brand. Let’s partner today! #makeithappen

Growth & Sustainment

Perhaps you need a Business Tune-Up, every business goes through cycles and now may be the time to ask “What are the next steps?” Growth and sustainment answers the question “How do I grow?” Are you experiencing burn out? Sounds like a tune up can change the trajectory of your business and reignite your passion. Growth and change are necessary components to sustain a competitive edge but processes and systems prevent burn-out. Have you revisited your vision and identified your core competency? This is key to identifying and filling gaps.#businesstuneup